Saturday, August 4, 2012

Heartland Ocean Racing

Since my time working with ASSA ABLOY in the Volvo Ocean Race, I've been hard pressed to find news and information about ocean racing, and particularly the VOR, in mainstream US media outlets.  I'd scour the web for news, I'd search for any snippet of info from MSNBC or CNN...  most of the time I'd come up short, relying only upon the VOR website for updates and information.

With the advent and spread of Facebook and Twitter, things have become easier, but it's still a pain to locate any significant amount of news.

Even as the Race's reach has grown exponentially around the world, the USA still lags behind in views, information, and interest. I know I've mentioned this before, but there was recently an article ( released about the media reach for HALF of the most race. "For what its worth, the cumulative TV audience as of February 19th was 880 million based on 1,200 hours of coverage across dedicated programming and news items. Those figures compare with a cumulative audience of 459 million at the corresponding stage of the last race, representing a 90 percent increase."  Can you guess how many of those 1,200 hours were visible in the US?  I'd guess maybe .25%.  MAYBE 3 hours total.  A mention here, a 30 second filler there.  Dismal coverage, no wonder the race is virtually unknown in the United States, especially in the heartland.

So, I've decided to do something about it.  Enter "Heartland Ocean Racing"online newspaper.  It's a site for ocean racing fans to get news from dozens of sources, all in one place.  The page will be updated weekly to start, with more frequent updates as the news requires them.  There is a discussion area, and I look forward to the contributions readers will make.

The first edition is available now, with wrapups from VOR teams, America's Cup and Olympic news, and great photos from photographers and enthusiasts from around the world.  Go take a look!